Anzac day sign and flag in Bishopdale

Anzac day sign and flag in Bishopdale

Anzac day sign and flag in Bishopdale

"View of a flag and sign at 2 Cotswold Avenue, Bishopdale on Anzac day. "I was lucky enough to come across this house; the sign on the garage says "Lest we forget, our flag our country, we will remember them." - Contributor's note"
In 2017 Thomas Herman, Liam Lyons, Elise Williams, Janneth Gil and Lucas Perelini from the School of Fine Arts created a record of the Bishopdale area. The Bishopdale 2017 project was a collaboration between Christchurch City Libraries and the University of Canterbury, School of Fine Arts to create a documentary photographic record of Bishopdale of people and the physical and social environment, that reflects the diversity of the Bishopdale area in 2017.


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