Cookai Restaurant
Interior of Cookai Restaurant
Interior of Cookai Restaurant
The corner of Cambridge Terrace and Gloucester Street. Santorini Greek Ouzeri restaurant and bar is housed in 84 Gloucester Street. Also visible are 141 Cambridge Terrace and 62 Gloucester Street.
Colombo Street shops at the corner with Bath Street. The New City Hotel and South City Shopping Centre are visible.
Looking north up Colombo Street from the corner with Byron Street, Sydenham.
Shops on the corner of Colombo Street and Sandyford Street, including La Boheme.
Bean Bags and Beyond (626 Colombo Street) on the corner of Colombo Street and Tuam Street.
Fisher's Building on the corner of Hereford Street and High Street.
Countdown carpark on Moorhouse Avenue opposite the School of Art and Design on Madras Street.
View of the corner of Oxford Street and Norwich Quay, Lyttelton as seen from 13a Oxford Street.
View of the corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street. Visible are 170 Oxford Terrace, 159 Oxford Terrace, and 137 Cambridge Terrace.
A tram approaches the corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street. Visible are The Clarendon, Avon Theatre and Regent Theatre.
64 Sandyford Street and building at the corner of Sandyford Street and Colombo Street, Sydenham.
Building on the corner of Sandyford Street and Colombo Street, Sydenham.
Corner of Tuam Street and High Street.
Cranmer Courts on Montreal Street, looking south towards the intersection with Kilmore Street.
Demolition of the Christchurch Womens Hospital.
The studio of Doc Ross, photographer.
Dome of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sarament.
Pak n Save and Smiths City car parking building on Dundas Street.
Durham Street South overbridge as seen from Cass Street.
Durham Street South overbridge as seen from Cass Street.
Durham Street South overbridge, seen from the southern end.
View of Durham Street South overbridge, as seen from Cass Street.
A window cleaner at work on Edison Hall, 230 Tuam Street.