Moorhouse Avenue in fog
View of Moorhouse Avenue looking east towards the intersection with Durham Street.
View of Moorhouse Avenue looking east towards the intersection with Durham Street.
Moohouse Avenue, looking east towards the overbridge crossing Colombo Street.
View of Moorhouse Avenue overbridge from the Colombo Street overbridge.
View of the Moorhouse Avenue overbridge as seen from the Manchester Street entrance to the car park of Pak n Save.
Looking south from Colombo Street to the intersection and overpass with Moorhouse Avenue.
View of the Pak n Save carpark from the Moorhouse Avenue entrance.
Posters on a wall by a substation on Moorhouse Avenue.
View of Pilgrim Place as seen from the corner with Moorhouse Avenue. Visible is the Moorhouse Medical Centre.
View of Colombo Street looking south towards the intersection with Sandyford Street. Pictured in the foreground is Morgan's Cane Limited (496 Colombo Street).
The southern façade of the New City Hotel, as seen in the carpark by Colombo Street.
The southern façade of the New City Hotel, as seen in the carpark by Colombo Street.
The southern façade of the New City Hotel, as seen in the carpark by Colombo Street.
The car park of New World South City.
The car park of New World South City.
Buildings, including Bedpost and Animates on Moorhouse Avenue, seen from Durham Street South overbridge.
Northern façade of 159 Oxford Terrace. Clarendon Tower is also visible.
Northern façade of 159 Oxford Terrace. Clarendon Tower is also visible.
Norwester weather pattern as seen from the Port Hills.
View of the Durham Street South overbridge, looking east towards 13 Cass Street.
Looking up Oxford Street, Lyttelton, from the port railway overbridge.
Pacific Bookshop and Chaos antique shop, Manchester Street.
The petrol pumps and car park at Pak n Save, Moorhouse Avenue. Also visible is the former Christchurch Railway Station building.
The car park of Pak n Save on Moorhouse Avenue.
Shops on Colombo Street, Sydenham, including Penny Lane Records (463 Colombo Street) and Koreana.