Three women, Star negative

Christchurch Star negatives

The Star negative collection contains images captured by Star staff photographers of newsworthy events, people and places of Christchurch and Canterbury.
The negatives are scanned in their original negative strip format, and many images contain multiple frames.
The Star negative collection was organised by date, and envelope information gave a brief subject, date taken, and a publication date. The digitised images follow the original organisation.

There is overlap between the images in the copy prints and negative collections as the print collection contains images printed from the negatives for newspaper production.

This digitised collection contains a sample of material from the negative collection, and more images will be added over time.
Count of items in this collection
Christchurch Star Negatives
1 item
Resource Type

© Christchurch Star

Licence Text
This item is in copyright.
Re-use Text
Permission for commercial reuse must be obtained from the Christchurch Star. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.

Under the Copyright Act 1994 works cannot be copied, shared or reused other than the purpose of fair dealing. The Copyright Act 1994 allows fair dealing with a work for the purposes of research or private study (e.g. school projects or private family research).


Showing 1 - 10 of 10 collections

1969 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1969.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection

1970 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1970.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
2, 996

1971 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1971.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
4, 552

1972 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1972.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
4, 213

1973 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1973.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
4, 234

1974 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1974.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
2, 024

1975 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1975.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
1, 935

1977 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1977.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection

1978 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1978.

The negative collection was part of the working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection

1981 Christchurch Star negative strips

Images from the Christchurch Star negatives collection, 1981.

The negative collection was part of working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.

This digitised collection...

Count of items in this collection
2, 661