Flooding on Richardson Terrace
Flooding on Richardson Terrace
Council traffic patrol car drives through Richardson Terrace in flood.
© Christchurch Star
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Under the Copyright Act 1994 works cannot be copied, shared or reused other than the purpose of fair dealing. The Copyright Act 1994 allows fair dealing with a work for the purposes of research or private study (e.g. school projects or private family research).
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Christchurch Star Archive
Archive 1072. Copy prints.
Flood management
It will be very interesting to see if we will see the like of these floods again on Richardson and Clarendon Terrace after the substantial work that has recently been put into the river bed here for flood management purposes. In fact I think for the majority of 2021 there wee ongoing works along the Opawa end of Clarendon and the Woolston end of Richardson terrace!