Capping stunt

1970 Christchurch Star Photographs

Images from the Star copy prints collection, 1970.

Image credit: Two students from the University of Canterbury dressed as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, stealing the Ranfurly Shield on horseback as part of Capping week celebrations. CCL-StarP-00573A.

The collection was a working photograph library used in the production of the newspaper.
Many of the prints have crop marks, and on the reverse, publication dates, and newspaper captions or articles.
This digitised collection contains a sample of material from the extensive collection, and more digitised images will be added over time.
Count of items in this collection
1970 Christchurch Star Photographs
Alternative Title
Christchurch Star Copy Prints, 1970
1 item
Resource Type

© Christchurch Star

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This item is in copyright.
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