Fire station and vehicles at Akaroa
The new fire station and vehicles at 49 Beach Road in Akaroa.
The new fire station and vehicles at 49 Beach Road in Akaroa.
Firemen on the roof of the assembly hall at Hillmorton High School following a fire started by contractors burning paint of weather-boards.
Mrs Lal Keen, the first resident of the Methodist Central Mission Fairhaven Residential Club, on the site of the Club during the final stages of construction at 91 Harewood Road, Papanui.
Illegal advertising sign for fish and chips attached to the back of a car parked on Pages Road, Wainoni.
Residents at Coronation Hospital with the new raised garden installed for the residents on Centaurus Road in Cashmere. Pictured are, from left, Bert Castle, Dick Williams and Cyril Williams.
Aerial view of the gas works site with the Waltham Street bridge and Moorhouse Avenue in the foreground.
"Christchurch art teacher and children's author, Gavin Bishop, with his book "Mr Fox" which was the first book to be launched at the Canterbury Public Library on the corner of Gloucester Street and...
Captain Geoff Cain with some of the explosives which have been found in Canterbury. The largest of these was found at Camp Bay.
Members of the Craft group with their crafts at the George Manning Home for the Elderly in Spreydon. Pictured are, from left, Mrs D. Newton, Mrs D. Greig, Mrs A. Bullen and Mrs V. Piper.
Anne Irving leading guides on a tramp at the Girl Guide Jamboree at Lake Okatiana.
Girl Guides changing a tyre as part of the Guiding programme.
Attendees of the Country Women's Institutes Golden Jubilee luncheon holding up the banners of various branches.
Graham Le Compte at his Gracol fibreglass factory at 31 Wickham Street in Bromley.
Market gardener, John Medley, of Prestons Road, with hail damaged crops.
Opawa School pupils Chris Jassett, Anna Miers and Sacha Cleverley in Halloween costumes.
Demonstration of the Hare Traction Splint for use by the St John Ambulance Association. To the right is the splint currently in use, the Thomas-Tauranga splint.
Students queuing for holiday employment.
"Interior of Hornby Shopping Mall with two children on a ride in the centre and advertising for Jon Zealando "Magic Mystery Show" in the foreground. Advertising bunting for Mitre 10 and signs for...
A horse drawn fire engine from 1893, on loan from the Ferrymead Trust, as part of a parade of vintage fire engines to mark the retirement of Fire Commissioner, F.A. Hardy, at the Central Fire Station...
Houses on Waimea Terrace with the Heathcote River in the foreground.
Ian Cromb, a former test cricketer turned cricket bat maker, using a band saw to make a cricket bat.
View of two library staff, Jill Richardson (on left) and Kathy Beauchamp (on right), behind an information desk in the Canterbury Public Library on Gloucester Street.
Municipal Electricity Department engineering officer, Brian Enright and lineman, Danny Vis inspecting an electrical fault.
Fire Commissioner designate, B.F. Hyland, inspects the operation watch at a recruits' passing out parade at the Christchurch Central Fire Station at 200 Kilmore Street.