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1940s Centennial exhibition

A group of images of works by William Trethewey at the 1940 Centennial Exhibition held in Wellington between November 1939 and May 1940. The images show the work on sculptures leading up to the exhibition, the sculptures in place, general views of the exhibition buildings, some construction, and attendees.
Image credit: CCL-Arch508-55-016
Count of items in this collection
1940s Centennial exhibition
1939 to 1940
Linked Agent
Sculptor (scl): William Trethewey
28 negatives
Resource Type

No known copyright

Licence Text
We believe the items are free of copyright under the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994. If you have information to the contrary, please let us know.
Re-use Text

  • Please acknowledge that the image is from the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

  • If you use a work from our digital collection in any context please acknowledge Christchurch City Libraries as the source, quoting the identifier (file reference). If possible link back to the original.
Archive 508, Series 55
Archive 508, Series 54


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