Inward correspondence, 1862-1863


Inward correspondence

Inward letters to the Christchurch City Council, from 19 February 1862 to 10 March 1863.
Digitised by Christchurch City Council Archives.
Historical Note
The Christchurch Municipal Council was established in 1862, and the first meeting took place on 3 March 1862. In November 1862 the Christchurch Municipal Council was renamed to Christchurch City Council by the Christchurch City Council Ordinance from the Canterbury Provincial Council. It was also known as Christchurch Borough Council between June and October 1868 in compliance with the Municipal Corporations Act passed by Parliament in November 1867.


Christchurch City Council Archives - no known copyright

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Christchurch City Council Archives, CCC/ARC/343/4

