Climate Action Campus
Image credit: Mural by civic leaders, CCL-VoCa-001
Councillor Andrei Moore painting a mural at Climate Action Campus (180 Avonside Drive).
Civic leaders painting a mural at Climate Action Campus (180 Avonside Drive). Pictured from left: Reuben Davidson MP, Councillor Yani Johanson, Tracey McLellan MP, Hon Dr Megan Woods MP, Councillor...
Artist, Josh Montgomery, in the foreground, with Civic Leaders in the background, painting the mural on the Volunteering Canterbury wall at Climate Actions Campus.
Volunteering Canterbury General Manager, Glenda Martin, and Mural Artist, Josh Montgomery, standing in front of the finished mural on the Volunteering Canterbury wall at Climate Action Campus.
Mural artist, Josh Montgomery, adding his signature to the finished mural, on the Volunteering Canterbury wall at Climate Action Campus.
Civic leaders painting a mural at Climate Action Campus (180 Avonside Drive). Pictured from left: Reuben Davidson MP, Councillor Yani Johanson, Tracey McLellan MP, Megan Woods MP, artist Josh...
Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter painting a mural at Climate Action Campus (180 Avonside Drive).
Artist, Josh Montgomery, prepares the mural for painting on the Volunteering Canterbury wall.
Councillor Tyrone Fields and artist, Josh Montgomery painting a mural at Climate Action Campus (180 Avonside Drive).
Councillor Tyrone Fields painting a mural at Climate Action Campus (180 Avonside Drive).