
Burwood War Memorial

Situated at the corner of Lake Terrace Road and New Brighton Road, the Burwood War Memorial was unveiled in September 1921.

Burwood War Memorial - 7 August 2014
Burwood war memorial. Creator (cre): Valerie Livingstone. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

At a meeting of the Waimairi County Council, held on 13 January 1919, J. H. Rowse and J. Lindley of the Burwood Patriotic Committee asked the councilors whether an untidy plot of triangular land situated at the corner of New Brighton Road and Lake Terrace Road could be granted to the committee for use as a site to erect a memorial. The council formally offered the land in June 1919. Although the land had originally been intended as a tram siding and metal depot, the council granted it to the committee with the agreement that the committee would be responsible for maintaining the memorial and site. At a public meeting of Burwood residents, held on 25 September 1919, the patriotic committee confirmed its decision to erect a memorial on the site.

The memorial was unveiled by Colonel R. Young on 5 September 1921.

The column reads: In memory of the Burwood Boys who fell in the Great War 1914-1918:  Sgt. W. J. LorgellyPte. H. G. FearonPte. A. E. Fearon; Pte. A. V. Parslow; Pte. C. Knowles; Pte. N. H. Packham; Pte. J. J. Bayne; Pte. G. Pearson; Pte. F. French; Lt. Col. G. A. King D.S.O; Pte. J. Briggs; Pte. G. E. Briggs; Pte. D. Foley; Pte. E. Spencer; Pte. W. J. Liggins; Pte. J. C. Campbell; Pte. T. P. Ryan; Pte. N. D. Muff; Pte. L. C. Wakelin.

Not once or twice in our rough island story. The path of duty was the way to glory.

In memory of the Burwood Boys who laid down their lives in World War II 1939-1945:  2nd Lt. E. A. Shand; Sgt. R. J. Frizzell; Sgt. B. Grofski; Sgt. G. M. Martin; L/Bdr. H. W. James; L.A.C. E. Dalzell; Gnr. L. A. Fleete; Pte. W. J. Hampton; Pte. A. Higham.

On 20 August 1947, a meeting of the Burwood War Memorial Committee was held to discuss a memorial to those who had died in the Second World War. The unveiling ceremony was held on 26 October 1947.

In 2002, the committee disbanded, handing over the care of the memorial and its grounds to the Christchurch City Council. Behind the main memorial is a seat with plaques commemorating those who died during First World War, Second World War, and post Second World War conflicts.


Waimairi County CouncilSun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, p.9.

County CouncilsPress, Volume LV, Issue 16515, 10 June 1919, p.8.

Soldiers' MemorialPress, Volume LV, Issue 16638, 26 September 1919, p.8.

Burwood War MemorialPress, Volume LVII, Issue 17242, 5 September 1921, p.4.

Public noticesPress, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, p.11.

Memorial to fall of last warPress, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25325, 27 October 1947, p.8.