Pigeon Bay War Memorial
Situated on Wharf Road, the Pigeon Bay War Memorial was unveiled in June 1922.
On 17 April 1919, a meeting was held in the Pigeon Bay library of the soldiers' memorial committee. The chair of the memorial committee was John Pettigrew. It was decided to send circulars to residents asking for their opinion on where the memorial should be located and suggestions for its design. By November 1919, it was suggested to erect memorial gates and at a later date, a memorial hall, on a site offered by E. Hay. However, by June 1920, it was decided to erect an obelisk opposite a former store on the seaward side of Wharf Road. This was approved by the Pigeon Bay Road Board at a meeting held on 3 July 1920.
At a meeting held on 3 September 1920, Pettigrew showed the attendees a proposed design for the memorial. It was to cost £300 and would be built by a monumental mason from Christchurch.
The foundation stone was laid by April 1922. The memorial consists of a base made of Redcliffs red stone and a needle of Coromandel granite. The memorial was unveiled on 23 June 1922 by the Mayor of Akaroa, George Armstrong.
On a plate of Bluff granite is the inscription: Erected in memory and in honour of our soldiers who took part in the Great War, 1914-1918. These gave their lives for King and Country.
L. Cpl. J. A. H. Holmes - Died of wounds; Pte T. H. Reynish - Killed in action; Pte R. C. Reynish - Killed in action; Pte W. Scott - Killed in action; Pte G.E. Scott - Killed in action.
Pte H. H. A. Blomquist, M. M.; Sergt. A. Corrigall; Pte A. S. Goodwin; Driver F. N. Greer; Rflm. W. G. Holmes; Driver D. Kinghorn; L. Cpl. W. H. Knudsen; Pte R. S. Reynish; Tpr. A. F. Reynish; Lieut. C. H. Salt; Rflm. H. Salt; Tpr. R. C. Sefton; Gunner S. R. Sefton; Pte. H. Sefton; Cpl. W. G. Wilson; Tpr. L. F. Wilson.
Also in honour of our men who fought in the South African War 1899-1902. Farrier Sergt. J. N. Kelly; Tpr. A. Knudsen; Tpr. C. H. Salt; Tpr. F. G. Scott; Bugler A. D. Staunton.
Pigeon Bay News, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3845, 23 April 1919, p.2.
Article, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3900, 11 November 1919, p.2.
Peninsula War Memorial, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, p.2
Public meeting, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3947, 5 June 1920, p.3.
Pigeon Bay Road Board, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, p.1.
Pigeon Bay Memorial, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3973, 7 September 1920, p.2.
Locals and general, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XCII, Issue 4137, 4 April 1922, p.2.
Pigeon Bay Memorial, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XCII, Issue 4159, 27 June 1922, p.2.